Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks Public Feature Suggestions and Bug Reporting


We are using this public feedback/suggestion board and bug tracker to empower the community in helping us identify potential bugs and also by providing feedback to help us improve the game. FOR TECHNICAL ISSUES (i.e. crashes, missing content, etc) PLEASE CONTACT SUPPORT: https://to.plaion.com/speedfreeks40kSupportTicket

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Please use English and be polite. Respect And Kindness Above All.

Feedback are ideas on how to improve an existing aspect of the game.

Suggestions are ideas for additions to the game that don't already exist.

Bug Reports are for reporting glitches, visual bugs, etc.

Technical Issues are crashes, missing content, etc.

Please Note:

Please Keep in mind that we will do our best to prioritize your feedback, bug reports, and technical issues, but we also have to consider development time and resources when deciding how we schedule in improvements and fixes.

Offline / "online" campaing, PVE, Steam Workshop, Craftable custom cars?

Hey, i randomly get into your game. I played Crossout for almost 5k years. And your game looks very promising, I wish you could be able to give us offline ...
Suggested by: PewMeowPaw (26 May) Upvoted: 29 May Comments: 3

Bring the beta back already!

The game's awesome. I'm ready to keep playing. DOOOO ITTTT!!! <3
Suggested by: Dibbuk (01 Jun) Upvoted: 11 Jun Comments: 2
Open for Discussion Developer Note Feedback

[Bug] Shokkjump Dragsta missile ability issue

While playing, the Shokkjump Dragsta missile ability consistently would detonate 1 or 2 missile when you cast it. Looks like they spawn behind the car and collide ...
Suggested by: Hirshel (28 May) Upvoted: 31 May Comments: 2
Open for Discussion Bug Developer Note

Can't find a game when queing with a party

Queing in a party isnt letting us join matches, it just sits at a timer counting down
Suggested by: Miia (24 May) Upvoted: 26 May Comments: 2
Open for Discussion Bug Developer Note

More vehicles

Love the vehicle selection! Would love more more more though! I understand that you can only use what GW approves but would like to suggest some potential candidates. ...
Suggested by: Kaiser (28 May) Upvoted: 31 May Comments: 1

[Bug] I just krumped the enemy Stompa

I was on my Wartrike just grabbed the bomb, and using a cliff i crashed the bomb right on the Stompa's right cheek. But after the explosion it litterally flew away ...
Suggested by: Nestro (27 May) Upvoted: 27 May Comments: 1

[Feature] Custom Name Tags

Jus a simple in game name tag to give us some nice orky expression.
Suggested by: Mork (28 May, '23) Upvoted: 31 May, '23 Comments: 1


just general feedback about the beta change spelling from GET THE BOMB to something more ork, like getz da bomb ruining immersion:P also some announcers would be ...
Suggested by: BitterBlossom (24 May) Upvoted: 25 May Comments: 1
Multiple Topics Developer Note Feedback

Render Issue (4K)

Hello, so I'm running it at 4k fullscreen, but the image itself definitely isn't. The HUD is 4k clarity and the rendering resolution is on 100%. I've turned off TAA ...
Suggested by: Hairy-Breeks (24 May) Upvoted: 30 May Comments: 1
Open for Discussion Developer Note Technical Issue

[Feature] Red outline when we are inflicted damage or when close to death.

If I dont pay attention to my health bar at the bottom, I have no reminder that things are going south. Could we get a sound, a red outline or something?
Suggested by: Tibum the goblin (31 May, '23) Upvoted: 09 Jun, '23 Comments: 1

[Feature] Clearly mark bots

Bots to fill the games is fine. especially right now with the relativly low player count. However i think it would be nice to have bots be clearly marked as bots. ...
Suggested by: Cybercobra (27 May, '23) Upvoted: 09 Jun, '23 Comments: 1

[BUG] Wrong vehicle on respawn

I keep getting the wrong vehicle after changing my selection on respawn, I had to keep killing myself and trying to get something I wanted but couldn't. I'm out until ...
Suggested by: asdfadsfadsf (26 May) Upvoted: 26 May Comments: 3
Open for Discussion Bug Developer Note

[Feature] Test phase invites?

Without a party system it may not be as useful but being able to bring in a friend or two to the test phases would be awesome. Giving each person who was invited by ...
Suggested by: Drast (27 May, '23) Upvoted: 27 May, '23 Comments: 2

Death and respawn flow

The game feels great, but one thing that was immediately noticeable was the break in momentum when you died and respawned. Honestly cutting the little cinematic and ...
Suggested by: AnFBIAgent (01 Jun) Upvoted: 01 Jun Comments: 1
Open for Discussion Developer Note Feedback

[Feedback] Playtest general feedback

Its not clear to me what the fist icon on the leader board means, so some in game explanation of that would be useful. The leaderboard player icons seem to be ...
Suggested by: Alex (31 May) Upvoted: 31 May Comments: 1
Open for Discussion Developer Note Feedback

[Bug] Game crashing after a few seconds

I don't know why, but the game crashes after a few seconds with an error like in the screenshot below.
Suggested by: perkoz323 (30 May) Upvoted: 30 May Comments: 1
Open for Discussion Bug Developer Note

(BUG) NO progression towards vehicle challenges or daily missions.

All vehicle challenges are not progressing. The only item progressing is the driving requirement to get the war trike but that is all. I have no access to stats in ...
Suggested by: MacaroniTony (30 May) Upvoted: 30 May Comments: 1
Not a Bug Developer Note

fatal error upon startupt

upon startup i get an immediate fatal error or shortly after starting up. the furthest ive come is 5 seconds into the main menu.
Suggested by: roy (29 May) Upvoted: 29 May Comments: 1
Open for Discussion Developer Note Technical Issue

Screen freeze after battle pass recap

My game often freezes after the battle pass/ scrap earned recap after a match while waiting for the count down to next match. The whole period between ending a ...
Suggested by: Grøn Tuborg (29 May) Upvoted: 29 May Comments: 1
Open for Discussion Bug Developer Note

report players

There needs to be a way to report/kick players who are trolling their own team. We have had people get the bomb and run it far out of play we have had people ...
Suggested by: Kaiser (29 May) Upvoted: 29 May Comments: 1

Various feedback and suggestions

make dragsters stronger. more glass cannon feeling. warp jump should act like moira fade in overwatch will full invul while invis. healing feels a bit low? maybe have ...
Suggested by: Burro (27 May) Upvoted: 27 May Comments: 1

Bug- Game won't let me and friend search together in party but lets us search separately

When he is the leader and searches it says "General Network Error" and when I lead and search we will sit there forever and not find a match. Yet the second we split ...
Suggested by: Vibrid (27 May) Upvoted: 27 May Comments: 1
Open for Discussion Bug Developer Note

Broken Link to EULA on First Launch

On first starting the game, the player is required to accept an EULA for the game, with an prompt to press 'H' or click to view it. This link does not present the ...
Suggested by: Tor (26 May) Upvoted: 26 May Comments: 1
Open for Discussion Bug Developer Note

Daily Challenges

I'm not sure if it just isn't fully implemented yet, but the daily challenges are not tracking nor completing.
Suggested by: JunkerJawa (25 May) Upvoted: 25 May Comments: 1
Not a Bug Developer Note

game freezing and being unable to exit

the game can just freeze for no reason and you only hear sounds of your vehicle and any nearby sound but it's just there repeating the sound and the screen is frozen, ...
Suggested by: Warboss Ard'Gob (24 May) Upvoted: 24 May Comments: 1
Open for Discussion Developer Note Technical Issue

Invisible Stompa/ Absent kill cam after lowering graphics and turning off some options

I lowered my graphics and turned off some options and now the enemy team's Stompa in Kill Konvoy is invisible whenever I play on the frozen wasteland map (Frozen ...
Suggested by: GrotBoss23 (24 May) Upvoted: 24 May Comments: 1
Open for Discussion Developer Note Technical Issue

[Feature] Scoreboard during session

I believe there's need to see scoreboard not only at the end of a round, but also during battle on presssing "Tab"
Suggested by: gogathejedi (28 May, '23) Upvoted: 28 May, '23 Comments: 1

[FEATURE] Zoom in for aiming

it would be nice to be able to zoom in to aim better. On PC the mouse scroll wheel could do this, I haven't played controller so do not know the mapping or what the ...
Suggested by: M9Squirrels (27 May, '23) Upvoted: 27 May, '23 Comments: 1

[Feature] crash collector

I keep getting a KTD, but now that I want to collect the exception notice, of course, I cant recreate it to give and be helpful. Please add send crashlogs?
Suggested by: dogkingemperor (27 May, '23) Upvoted: 27 May, '23 Comments: 1

[Bug] Fix play button

Friend launched game for the first time, and upon trying to start a match, the play button in the bottom was grayed out. He was able to access all settings but was ...
Suggested by: gogobogo (27 May, '23) Upvoted: 27 May, '23 Comments: 1