2 votes

just general feedback about the beta

change spelling from GET THE BOMB to something more ork, like getz da bomb
ruining immersion:P also some announcers would be funny if applicable making comments on when someone dies or lands a devastating shot etc.

tanks need more hp/armour a slight buff to damage on the left click
dragsters warp needs to be immune to damage when warping(could be beta but im tanking damage while warping/invis)
needs collision damage, larger vehicles should do more direct hit damage to smaller vehicles, but smaller can manoeuvre and hit from sides/behind to still do damage(keep the knockback its hilarious)

the giant stompaz are doing WAY too much damage and that grab beam does suck maybe make it so it cant stun the bomb carrier but it can stun other vehicles, i dunno it just feels...frustrating but i could be biast towards it.

leveling feelz slow, and 3rd party sign up does suck but maybe reward people who sign up for an account outside steam as a thanks

Multiple Topics Developer Note Feedback Suggested by: BitterBlossom Upvoted: 25 May Comments: 1

Comments: 1