[Feedback] Playtest general feedback

1 votes

Its not clear to me what the fist icon on the leader board means, so some in game explanation of that would be useful.

The leaderboard player icons seem to be linked to the selected car possible but its not clear what vehicles they are if thats the case.

An icon to show which players are bots would be good. If player level is displayed it could replace that.

It would be nice to have some earlier telegraphing of attacks from stompa.
Show the green glow from further away or a red laser pointer for the cannon.

There seems to be a fairly large performance drop at the end of a game when rewards are show and a little when viewing the kill cam after ding leading to unresponsive menus.
An option to auto respawn would be nice without.

Instead of a menu where you can spawn or change car it would be nice to just auto spawn and allow players to change car when in the spawn area.

Open for Discussion Developer Note Feedback Suggested by: Alex Upvoted: 31 May Comments: 1

Comments: 1