Wartrike Feedback

9 votes

The grapple slowing you down is nuts. I've been able to catch max speed airborne enemies with the grapple and pull them to a stop before they can reach the stompa.

It is also surprisingly hard to kill not because of speed but because of hit points. The amount of damage I can do and the ease of which I can do it with how hard it is to be killed needs to be adjusted.

The trike is too good at everything. High speed. High survivability. High damage. Targeted slow. What is the downside to using this car?

Here are some suggestions:

Remove the slowing aspect of the tether: This would still let the trike run as an interceptor and position for melee damage on the target.

Make the tether easier to break: I rarely have my tether break even through some terrain. It makes landing the melle too easy and on most cars below 50% its a death sentence.

The melle damage is probably a bit too strong on armored cars for how easy it is to land but the tether slow is hard to justify.

Open for Discussion Feature Suggestion Feedback Suggested by: Jacks Upvoted: 07 Jun Comments: 2

Comments: 2