Detonate the bomb VS passing it over? (scrap rewards)

10 votes

Detonating the bomb grants you 500 scrap.
Winning the game grants you 200 scrap.

There is no actual incentive to pass over the bomb to your mate for him to detonate it since you get no reward for assisting a bomb detonation. Might as well play selfish and possibly get the 500 scrap yourself.


Add a scrap reward for ASSITING BOMB DETONATION (possibly 250 scrap)
Increase scrap reward for winning the game (200 scrap is way too low. no point in trying to win when you can just farm scrap). 1000 scrap reward for a win might be a great incentive for players to actual focus on the main objectives of teamplay.

Open for Discussion Feature Suggestion Feedback Suggested by: Grøn Tuborg Upvoted: 07 Jun Comments: 4

Comments: 4