Shokkjump balancing

14 votes

A team of 2 shokkjump can deliver the bomb guaranteed every time, the car is too fast for so much HP they have. It’s needed to balance the speed or the HP, he's too good in everything he does to the point that even if you don't have a ability that helps with delivery, it doesn't matter. His chase potential is fantastic, you can play really safe at distance or at close/medium and just vanish away with turbo speed if the things get ugly, the car model is difficult to hit with good HP and top speed, he can tank easily looted wagons and the stompa rushing and making the delivery with SPEED, too much speed for no weakness in return as a drawback like the Wartrike who is paper thin.

Open for Discussion Feedback Suggested by: PastorGas Upvoted: 29 May Comments: 3

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