Boosting with shift should feel more impactful, like Motorstorm

6 votes

Currently, using the shift speed boost feels quite underwhelming. It makes your vehicle faster and that's about it- there is very little feedback that you're actually using it.

Motorstorm had a similar feature but implemented it much better- when you used the boost in that game, you *felt* it:

1. Your camera pans back initially to give you the impression your vehicle is accelerating rapidly.
2. There is visible exhaust from the boosters (rockets?). This becomes a streak of flame as you approach maximum boost.
3. There is a distinct noise when using the boost that rises in pitch to show you how far along the boost gauge you are without needing to look.
4. Further into the boost, there is noticeable screen shake.
5. Even further into the boost, there is a depth of field effect that again indicates massive acceleration visually.

No need to tweak any stats- the boost can be made visually and audibly more impactful just using these methods.

Open for Discussion Feedback Suggested by: Deathwatch050 Upvoted: 27 May Comments: 1

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