[Feedback] Wartrike Grappling Hook, Dragsta's perspective

4 votes

I think in its current state it has too much control over other players and in certain terrain scenarios it can be an instant game-over. The hook not only pulling the trike to you, but you to the trike is extremely overbearing if they're boosting and using turbo properly.

The most devastating way to get hooked is to be on a sloped surface while the trike is not parallel to you and your direction of travel. As you are pulled towards the trike your tires will lift off the ground and you will be pulled backwards through the air which brings your speed to 0 almost instantaneously. If the trike is aware of this nuance he can abuse even tiny hills and bring you to a dead stop with ease.

I personally feel like the trike would be a more balanced vehicle in the chase if the grappling hook did not have such an exaggerated effect on the player being hooked.

Open for Discussion Alpha Feature Suggestion Feedback Suggested by: Ty Upvoted: 03 Jun Comments: 0

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