[Feature]Conservation of momentum

10 votes


Nah but seriously i see a lot of people suggesting that the vehicle should go faster but instead i think the momentum you gain through boost and dash ability should not go away this quickly. It would raise the skill ceiling and also feel realy satisfying when you gain a lot of speed going from point to point.

Imagine your racing a teamate to the next point and you keep gaining speed as you use your abilities to go faster and faster! The risk of hitting an object getting higher and higher! You feel like a speed freek being pushed back into his seat as the screen starting going crazy. Your teamate is about to win the race before you manage to find a shotcut by jumping over a hill and landing right infront of him winning the race!

i understand that there is a balance between the combat and the movement but i think this would be far better then buffing the vehicles speed and make for a more enjoyable experience for everyone while not being to overwelming for newb

Open for Discussion Alpha Feature Suggestion Suggested by: Alpha_Duck_Bot Upvoted: 27 May Comments: 0

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