[Feedback] Deff Rally game mode

5 votes

Deff Rally is more of a "capture the zone" or "king of the hill" type game mode, rather than a "rally", so a name change is in order. The term "Rally" should be reserved for one of the future racing game modes. Due to the map and game design, capture zones turn into battle arenas, but are too small for this purpose given how some vehicles are meant to be played and given that most players simply focus on fighting (which spreads out wider than the zone) rather than contesting or capturing the objective itself. The constrained nature of the capture zone and arena it sits in also often means trying to capture it becomes a suicide mission if one team has it occupied and you don't have enough numbers with you to assault it, which is often the case. This combined with the lack of clarity when it comes to what points that are awarded for objective play (recapturing it, holding it etc), the players not PTO, the bots and the lack of emphasis on the objective makes for very lopsided matches.

Open for Discussion Alpha Feedback Suggested by: Mista Warboss Upvoted: 28 May, '23 Comments: 8

Comments: 8