[Feature] Collision damage

7 votes

It's frustrating that ramming at full boosted speed into an enemy vehicle does no dmage to them, and only stops them moving. It feels downright un-orky for this to be the case. The Shokkjump Dragsta's front even has some rotating blades near it, and the Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy has circular saws on its sides, and these currently do nothing.

The Shokkjump Dragsta's sloped front should also make it a good ramp car, letting it slip underneath other vehicles, though maybe not as strongly as the Grot Megatank's ability.

Lastly, collision damage with scenery would allow you to bulldoze opponents into walls to crush them, and I can hardly think of anything that could be more satisfying in this game.

Open for Discussion Alpha Feature Suggestion Suggested by: VegladeX Upvoted: 01 Jun Comments: 2

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