[Feature] Neutral faction.

16 votes

Not a standalone idea, but as part of overall improvements to make driving around maps worth it, and not just camp on points.
1. Neutral Camps. With turrets, hard to get inside, pads and items (item box suggestion) inside. Points for capturing or getting something.
2. Neutral Juggernaut type enemies. Part of Juggernaut's suggestion, a big neutral bot enemy that is hostile to both parties, much stronger than players and being a nuisance. Points for taking it down depend on % of damage teams do. (Example: Whole 1000 pts, Team done 40% - 400 pts to team that killed it, maybe 50% of what other team did to them - 300, or point based on % of damage to both teams - 400 and 600, and team that last hitted will get a small bonus - 50-75.)
3. Neutral orks “pedestrians” and or small vehicles points for running over/destroying.

Open for Discussion Alpha Feature Suggestion Suggested by: OneWinged Upvoted: 31 May Comments: 1

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