[Feedback] Grot Mega Tank needs some changes to lean it more into one role or another

5 votes

I think it def needs an HP boost, it dies so fast to the Looted Wagon, Boosta Blasta, and Snazzwagon. For being a "tank" it doesn't really do a lot of tanking and it's too slow to justify its HP pool. Especially when it has a skill dedicated to flipping people....who all outspeed it....genius mekboiz level design

I like the concept of the mega tank but I feel like it tries to be a jack of a couple trades while not being particularly good at any of them. While it has a better range of dakka vs the Looted Wagon, the damage just feels non existent and the plow I feel rarely gets used unless you somehow corner somebody or they drive right into you.

I feel like they need to lean it into more towards an actual "tank" or make it faster to be more of a disrupter.

Open for Discussion Alpha Feedback Suggested by: Motol (Toad Bucket) Upvoted: 31 May Comments: 2

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