[Feature] Locational damage

15 votes

I think some basic locational damage would go a long way to making skill expression and combat more strategic and less spammy/spongey.

- Can blow off tires, or even just temporarily flatten them to slow someone down or make turning wonky
- Can pop engines to produce random effects like someone going fast all the time or slow all the time (one of the orcs can repair it after a period)
- Weapons can be targeted and disabled or made to malfunction
- Armor plates can be added or rigged on vehicles, forcing player to rip them off before hitting the exposed parts to destroyed things more efficiently - if aim is good. AoE hits multiple locations and plates, giving it a unique valu proposition compared to narrower single target weapons.

Open for Discussion Alpha Feature Suggestion Suggested by: DW Upvoted: 29 May Comments: 0

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