[Feedback] Monetization

47 votes

As a free game please stick to a more consumer friendly way of making money. This can be said about any game or service, but it applies heavily to this genre. I would pay for this game as a non free to play game and will make sure to support it in some way; but just for the love of Gork and Mork, do not have a upkeep cost if you introduce more player customization of vehicles and do not allow buying of gameplay vehicles/parts either from a tech tree/shop with real money.

If you do go with a battlepass, make it progress just by playing the game and faster for doing well. It's fine to have challenges, but make sure those challenges are the type to have at least some progress each and every match. A level would be nice every 1-3 matches.

And in relation to battlepasses and a store, free players need to be able to get some flashy bitz, give em teef each match or some currency. Be closer to Deep Rock Galactic than to Warthunder. (Yes I know drg isn't a free game, thats why I said close).

Open for Discussion Alpha Feedback Suggested by: Ivo Upvoted: 08 Jun Comments: 11

Comments: 11