[Feature] Vehicle tuning/in-game rewards/Mek Shop

14 votes

The short idea is that, as speed freekz, we should always be pushing our vehicles to go faster or more shooty, either by tinkering with them ourselves, or by taking it to a mek for some real snazzy upgrades and whatsits being added to it.

The long idea:
Sliders for basic tuning, allowing us to add up to +/- 5% in different categories,such as (as an example) Speed, Dakka, Armour, with a trade-off for each one, so you couldn't max them.
Bigger upgrade percentages and possibly even cosmetics or different parts would require us to go to a 'Mek Shop', where things can only be purchased with teef.
Teef could be earned by any action taken in a match.
Do damage? Earn Teef.
Krump someone? That's more teef.
Cap a point? You're getting teef.
Win the race? That's even more teef.
If possible, teef could even be used for things like trinkets, different paint schemes/clan outfits, and other add-ons for vehicles, which could be cosmetic in nature, or even as visualizations for applied upgrades.

Open for Discussion Alpha Feature Suggestion Suggested by: Jayme Upvoted: 01 Jun Comments: 1

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